Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults in the United States alone. The majority of anxiety suffers deal with it on a regular basis, often at least once a day. Instead of letting it consume you, learn how to cope with your anxiety by creating a self-care routine.
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Self Care Routine – Tips for Anxiety
In the video below Asia Jackson shares her self care routine and shows how it helps to reduce her anxiety.
Self-Care Routine When Living With Anxiety
Why Self-Care?
Self-care might seem like a trend, but it is much more than that. Yes, it has increased in popularity recently, but the core of self-care is about doing things for yourself that will make you a healthier, happier, and more balanced person.
For anxiety, self-care helps tremendously. It is going to help reduce your stress, which ultimately helps with anxiety as well. You also learn tips and tricks for coping with your anxiety based on how you adjust your daily self-care routine, whether that means reducing anxiety triggers or finding healthy distractions when you tend to have heightened anxiety or panic.
Self-Care Routine Options
Your self-care routine has to be personal to you. What works for one person may not work for you. Try starting with the ideas below to appeal to you. If you’re not sure what you like give each of them a try and take note of what you find helpful.

Morning Yoga – Yoga is wonderful for everyone with anxiety or stress. It is relaxing and teaches you how to practice your breathing exercises.

Calming Tea – Reducing or eliminating caffeine can help reduce anxiousness. Try drinking a calming tea instead.

A Healthy Breakfast – Taking good care of your body will also help you to take care of your mind. Everything is connected, so start your day right with a healthy and nutritious breakfast.

Daily Journaling – Writing in a journal provides a long list of benefits when you have anxiety. You can write out any thoughts or fears you have and actually get to the core of why you feel this way.

Anxiety Apps – Smartphones are now apart of our daily lives. Try some of these apps that are designed to help with anxiety.
- Pacifica (ios and android) – mood tracking, journaling, and goal setting
- Calm (ios and android) – aids meditation
- SAM (ios and android) – activities for dealing with different types of anxiety

Bullet Journaling – A Bullet Journal is a creative combination of a journal, planner, and a to-do list. It allows you to keep track of everything in your life in one book. Bullet journals help reduce stress by adding organization to your life. Many people with anxiety find its structure is beneficial.

Customize Your Self-Care Routine
If you start a self-care routine, and parts of it just aren’t helping you, don’t do it! Journaling isn’t for everyone, and some people love baths at night, while others don’t enjoy them at all. You really want to customize this for your own needs, preferences, and schedule.
There are many ways to customize these self-care routine ideas. For example, try doing yoga or meditating at a time of day when you have more time to yourself. This might be right when you wake up, before bed, or in the middle of the day during your lunch break.

A Lifelong Process
Creating a self-care routine when living with anxiety is tough. For most anxiety suffers it is a lifelong process. The self-care routine tips above should give you a good start in creating a routine that will work for you.
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