Ways to Stay Motivated to Eat Healthy

6 Ways to Stay Motivated to Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is one of the number one goals that each of us tries to accomplish each year. Unfortunately, it is also one of the easiest not to follow through on.

It’s so easy to reach for food choices that are fast, easy, and cheap. Most of the time these are not the healthiest foods.

If this sounds like you, keep reading to get a few tips on how you can stay motivated to eat healthy.

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Getting motivated to eat healthy and staying motivated isn't easy. Unhealthy choices are easy to obtain. Especially when you're busy or tight on money. Discover 6 ways to stay motivated to eat healthy. #healthyeating #cleaneating #wellness #motivation #wellnessmotivation #HWS #healthywealthyskinny

How to Motivate Yourself to Eat Healthy

Ways to Stay Motivated to Eat Healthy - Find Your Why

#1 – Find Your Why

This tip applies to any type of goal you want to achieve. You must start by clearing establishing “Why” you want to achieve the goal.

Stop and really think about why you want to eat healthy. Do you want to get more energy, lose weight, feel better, or enjoy hiking without getting out of breath?

Writing down your why will help you in times when you are not motivated to eat healthily. Your why will be the one things you to say to yourself that will motivate you to get through the days when you want to just grab a burger.

Grab your favorite planner or journal and write down your why. Try to be specific. Don’t just write down that you want to be healthy. Write down why you want to be healthy and how it will improve your life.

Ways to Stay Motivated to Eat Healthy - Retrain Your Brain

#2 – Retrain Your Brain

Anything that you want to do is achievable with the right mindset. I know that is annoying to hear sometimes but its true.

A major step in staying motivated to eat healthy is the retrain your brain and the way you think and feel about food.

Retraining your brain consists of building new habits. Start doing things like being conscious of your food portions or checking the ingredients in your food.

Once you create healthy habits, eating healthy will become second nature to you. You’ll choose healthy choices without even thinking about it.

Ways to Stay Motivated to Eat Healthy - Set Small Goals

#3 – Set Small Goals

The key to staying motivated to eat healthy is to allow your self to achieve small wins. This starts by setting small goals that you can achieve every day.

Some sample goals might be:

The trick is to start small. Don’t try to change all of your eating habits at once. Change small things about each meal and gradually work your way into a clean eating lifestyle.

Ways to Stay Motivated to Eat Healthy - Track Your Progress

#4 – Track Your Progress

In tip #3 you decided on a few small attainable goals. Now it’s time to track your progress.

Tracking your progress gives you a visual representation of how well you’re doing. This will keep you motivated to stay on track and keep up the good progress you’re making.

A bullet journal is a great way to keep track of your healthy eating progress. It will allow you to be as creative or as simple as you like with your tracking.

Ways to Stay Motivated to Eat Healthy - Eat What You Like

#5 – Eat What You Like

Trying to motivate yourself to eat foods that you don’t like is a wasted effort. Eating healthy should also mean eating good foods that you enjoy.

Be adventurous on your healthy eating journey. Try new recipes and experiment with new foods.

Eating the same foods ever week is the quickest way to get tired and bored and turn back to unhealthy habits.

Related Post: 50 Frugal Meals to Make When You’re Broke

Ways to Stay Motivated to Eat Healthy - Do It With a Buddy

#6 – Do It With a Buddy

Last but not least ones of the best ways to stay motivated to eat healthy is to do it with a buddy. This could be a friend, spouse, or even the entire family.

It’s much easier to make lifestyle changes when you have someone to share the experience with you. In times of weakness, your buddy can help you stay on track to meet your goals.

It’s also just nice to have someone to talk to. Sharing your big wins and having someone to lean on when you slip will go a long way towards making sure you stay motivated.

Leave a comment and share how you stay motivated to eat healthy.

Getting motivated to eat healthy and staying motivated isn't easy. Unhealthy choices are easy to obtain. Especially when you're busy or tight on money. Discover 6 ways to stay motivated to eat healthy. #healthyeating #cleaneating #wellness #motivation #wellnessmotivation #HWS #healthywealthyskinny

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