There may come a time in your life when you find yourself struggling with your finances. It’s not a fun way to live and can put a lot of stress and strain on you and the family.
It’s important that you not sit around hoping that you’ll find some relief but instead be proactive and take action right away to better your situation. Learn what you can do when money is tight and you need a way out.
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#1 – Get Organized & Set Goals
Your first order of business should be to get organized when money is tight. Sort through your finances and lay all your expenses and income on the table to see what you’re working with.
Once you have a clear picture of where you’re at you can start planning for the future. Set goals for what you want to achieve and how you plan to get out of debt.
Let your goals inspire you to keep focused on what you want to accomplish and to work hard now so you can get back to a place where you feel financially secure.
#2 – Follow A Budget
It’s also important that you follow a budget when money is tight. You may need to adjust your current budget if you have one based on your new circumstances.
Knowing what money you have coming in and what’s going out each month will help you plan and allow you to pay your bills on time. Let your budget guide you in making wiser financial and spending decisions as you try to work your way out of a sticky situation.
A budget helps you keep your eye on your goals, sheds light on your spending habits, and will prepare you for emergencies.

#3 – Look into Available Options & Resources
When money is tight you should also look into available options and resources that are out there to get you through as you try to improve your finances. For instance, if you need help paying for your medical bills then you might want to research, What is a HealthShare?
You may find it a viable option for you and your family if you’re looking for help covering your medical expenses. There may also be additional resources and assistance within your local community or you may want to look into educating yourself further and taking money management courses.
#4 – Cut Back Your Spending
When money is tight, it would be a wise idea to cut back on your spending in general. Figure out where your money is going and pinpoint opportunities for not spending as much.
For instance, you might consider making coffee at home instead of buying it at a local shop, signing up for a less expensive gym, and cutting cable for now. Learn ways to be more frugal and commit to changing your money habits around for the better.
Write down every dollar you spend so you can closely track and monitor what’s really going on and identify areas that may be costing you the most money and where you may be taking a hit to your finances.

#5 – Cook at Home
Eating out is convenient but it can cause you to eat larger portion sizes and it can add up over time and be quite expensive. Your wallet and diet may be taking a hit if you’re always ordering out food.
Therefore, consider cooking at home when money is tight and you’re looking to make changes to your routine. You’ll have more control over what ingredients you buy and use and can better keep track of how much you want to spend on food each week or month.
You may also find cooking to be a relaxing and enjoyable hobby that puts your mind at ease and gives you a break from worrying about money.
#6 – Find Another Job or Side Gig
You always have the option of finding another job or side gig when money is tight. It’s a great use of your time and although you’ll be busy you may feel less anxious because you can pay your bills on time.
Maybe there’s a hobby or skill you have that you can get paid to do. On the other hand, maybe you have some free time after work and might enjoy taking on a second job or part-time work as you try to increase your earnings.
There are also opportunities to take advantage of online and ways to make money over the Internet such as starting a blog, so you don’t even have to leave your house.

#7 – Take Care of Yourself
It is important that you don’t forget to take good care of yourself when money is tight. You may be feeling more stress and anxiety than usual if you’re struggling financially. The last thing you want is for your health and well-being to suffer so commit to practicing daily self-care and living a healthy lifestyle.
Exercise is an excellent way to blow off steam and clear your head. It’s not only good for your mental health but will also help you get into better shape as well.
Once you have a clear mind you can set positive affirmations for yourself and will have the energy you need to continue working toward meeting your money goals. The better you feel the more equipped you’ll be to handle the stress and pressures that come with having financial challenges to overcome.
Apply these tips and you’ll be on your way to managing your situation appropriately and positively when money is tight. What you can’t do is give up trying and you certainly don’t want to make the situation worse.
Commit to following through with these suggestions and begin your journey today of getting that much closer to discovering financial freedom once again.
These are habits and best practices you can take with you and use going forward so you can avoid a similar situation in the future or get yourself out quicker if you find yourself struggling once again down the road.
Be patient and give it time because while there will be rewards from your efforts, change isn’t going to happen overnight