Your financial health is an important aspect of your life. Discover how to manage your money, live frugally, and make extra money. Becoming financially stable will allow you to focus on the creating memorable life experienes, instead of worrying about money.
Money Management
The first step to financial freedom is learning how to manage your money. We cover the top money management topics to get you started.
Frugal Living
Living a frugal lifestyle will go a long way towards helping you achieve your financial goals. Living frugally doesn’t mean going without. It just means managing your money and spending wisely.
Making Money
Increasing your income is often a needed step in becoming financially stable. Getting a better job, starting a side hustle, or starting your own business and working from home are all ways to increase your income.
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How Should Unmarried Couples Share Finances?
Sharing finances is difficult for any couple, becoming even more troublesome for unmarried couples. Being devoid of marriage’s legal shield, non-married couples must choose to manage their money together cautiously. The most important thing is dealing with money in a manner that creates expectations that maintain financial priorities and build trust. This article explains the
Bad Money Habits to Leave Behind in 2024
As we step into 2024, it’s a great time to reassess our financial habits. Money management is a crucial aspect of our lives, often dictating our level of stress, our ability to plan for the future, and our overall well-being. Unfortunately, many of us are guilty of bad money habits that can lead to financial
Relay Financial – Banking Designed for Small Businesses
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4 Simple But Powerful Things Every Businesswoman Needs to Secure Her Business’ Future
According to the 2019 American Express Open report, 11.6 million businesses are women-owned. Combined together, these businesses generated revenues of over $1.7 trillion in 2017. Sadly, despite these glowing successes, many female business owners often have to battle multiple problems and issues like limited funding, balancing family and work, inequality in the business place, and